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The State of Cloud: The Final Countdown: Transcript

Written by E7 Solutions | Dec 26, 2023



Hi Michael. Hi everyone. Welcome to our discussion on the state of the cloud, the final countdown. This is within the Atlassian context. Just a bit of a quick introduction. Michael is here. Daniel is here. We also have Jen, who's on the controller. You won't hear from her today, but she's the one pushing all the buttons.

Michael, I can't help but in my head just hear this tune from the famous band Europe, The Final Countdown. You know, you're going to put that song in my head for the rest of the day. Well, the point is, Michael, you should give us a line. How do you feel about that?

It is, as the song so eloquently put, it is the Final Countdown. It is, Michael, it is. What are we counting down to? Well, we are counting down to the end of server in the Atlassian ecosystem, which means Atlassian is encouraging all their customers to migrate to the Cloud. That's what we're here to discuss today. We're going to discuss the journey so far, how we got here, the benefits of migrating to the Cloud, the implications if you do or do not, common blockers, recommendations, and all that good stuff about going to the Cloud. For the audience out there, just know this webinar is going to be recorded, and shortly after it airs, we will send you a link for the recording. Make sure you look out for that.

It's a good thing I did my hair. Yeah, Michael. I think this is the best I've seen your hair in a long time. A little bit of an inside joke there, audience.

About E7

Okay, so I know I had a little bit of a brief introduction. I'm Daniel. I'm a Senior Business Development Executive here at E7. I help Aliasin customers or customers from other platforms understand the best of the Aliasin ecosystem and how to maximize the potential and be better at what they do. I also have Michael here and I'll let Michael introduce himself.

Thanks, Daniel. My name is Michael Abdenar and I'm the Director of Business Development for E7. And for anyone who doesn't know who E7 is, maybe I'll take a minute here, Daniel, and introduce who E7 is. E7 Solutions is an Atlassian Platinum Solution partner, we're based out of Michigan, and we're focused on the North American market. We've been in this space for about six or seven years, but we've been using and leveraging the tools for more than a decade. We're specialized in a couple of areas, one of which is Cloud Transformation, and the other one is Service Management Transformation.

Today, our focus is much more on the Cloud transformation and the Cloud migration topic discussion. But within the Atlassian ecosystem, our set of services expands and goes beyond just a migration, to a transformation. Jen, if you go to the next slide, perfect. All right, so what we do as a solutions partner and the services that we provide are related to enabling teams to get the best and most meaningful work for themselves. That's our mission. It's helping teams deliver their best and most meaningful work. And so within the Atlassian space, oftentimes folks come to us and they say, you know, we don't necessarily know what we don't know or all the way through, we want to do a migration from server or data center to Cloud, and then extending beyond that into what I call the momentum phase, which is, hey, I'm at a new state of working, how do I get more value out of this? We have services that tie to all those levels of maturity from just looking to understand where you should go, and what the best next steps should be, and that's our Insight Package, all the way through a fully managed environment, and we're acting as a consulting arm to the teams that we work with. So really thinking of us as an extension of their team and providing that roadmap and that platform consultation and everywhere in between there, Daniel. So it can be data migration, it could be onboarding new teams, it might be implementing new products or moving from different products into Atlassian. So that's our list of services and that's really who we are. And should there be any questions at all about the types of services you provide or if there's interest, you know, there's an open invitation to reach out and start that dialogue. We'd love to hear. At the end of this webinar, we will have contact information. You can reach out to us anytime on all the platforms that we have out there.

Atlassian Server History

Well, Michael, I'd like us to talk a little bit of history and how we got here. Now, you know, there are different, diverse audiences in this webinar. And most people hear server, they're thinking about, you know, data centers, infrastructures, people from the enterprise space, and people who are in software development or HR or facility or business development are hearing the same word but understanding differently. Can you tell us how we got here in the Atlassian context from server and where we're going?

Yeah, I appreciate the question, Daniel. I think it's always important to know where we came from and what that story is to date. And that helps drive that conversation to where we're going to go and what that conversation is going to turn into. But anyone who's on the call today or watching in the future, you likely already know that Atlassian is ending what they call the server platform, which is essentially a licensing type. Atlassian has three licensing types. They have server and data center, which are both on-prem, which means, Daniel, that you host it, whether it's in your closet, your data center, or your AWS environment, but you manage it and you host it. And then they have their cloud, which is the third offering, which is their SaaS-based model. And so Atlassian made the decision a few years ago to sunset thier server platform. So this is no rug underneath being pulled out. This has been a few years in the making, when they announced that they're no longer going to support the server platform, which means if you want to run something on-prem for Jira or Confluence or the Atlassian stack, you need to be using the data center model or ideally encouraging folks to go to the Atlassian cloud, which is the SaaS-based. So you're right, Daniel. The words data center and the word server, mean different things to different people. It's really subscription and licensing models and where you host it. Those are the biggest differences. And so with that, they announced this a few years ago, and they've given us plenty of time and customers plenty of time. And it's been from the get-go, February of 2024, which is right upon us. It's kind of hard to believe that we're there, Daniel. And thus, this is the final countdown. But February of 2024 will be the end of the support from Atlassian for their server platform. As an Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner, we're highly encouraging folks to seek an alternative, whether that's the Atlassian Cloud, which is, for the most part, the right choice for folks. If it's not the right choice, the Atlassian Data Center offering is the on-prem service offering moving forward. 

Thank you, Michael, as you know, my background before joining the Atlassian space was in hardware, infrastructure, and enterprise data center, all of that. When I used to communicate to my customers, the difference between data center, hardware, a server experience with going to the Cloud was about scalability, ability to grow as your need grows.

Benefits of Migrating to Atlassian Cloud

I'm guessing that the benefits of migrating to the Cloud for something as a SaaS model would be a bit different. Can you share with us the benefits Customers are expecting to see if they migrate to the Cloud? Actually, Daniel, what you just gave are some pretty good examples that are parallels. There is increased scalability and flexibility. In the infrastructure world, you have to consider if you're going to add folks, if you're going to add teams, if you're going to consolidate organizations, you have to consider the infrastructure that is supporting that application. Oftentimes, that's where you hit some of those thresholds, or you might have some scalability or issues.

Verses in the SaaS model, the same parallel is in play here, Daniel, where you certainly can go to the cloud and not have to worry about adding dozens or hundreds or thousands of people to your environment. You don't have to worry about the infrastructure behind it, you don't have to worry about maintaining it, and you don't have to worry about patching it and upgrading it and just the general maintenance of an application that you host.

And I think that that's at the highest level, Daniel, and then you really get into the security in the compliance space, where you're no longer managing resources, both technical and people, to maintain those security and compliance requirements, it's all built in as part of the Cloud platform from Atlassian. That's one of the biggest deal breakers that we had a few years ago, Daniel, where folks maybe weren't choosing to go to the cloud, was maybe security and compliance wasn't up to their specs. I can tell you from personal experience, we've moved organizations in the financial space, in the tech space, and now in the healthcare space to the cloud. And I think it stands up pretty tip-top against internal requirements for security compliance. And Michael, we have done it quite a few too with education, right? So that's another space. But really, what does that mean, right? Enhanced security, scalability, and flexibility in the Cloud. What does that really mean, you know, for folks today? That's, I think, the big question.

Benefits of Migrating to Atlassian Cloud

One of the main benefits of the cloud is allowing you and your team to focus on your products, focus on your work, focus on delivering what you're tasked with, which starts to push this idea of how you continue to evolve and continue to innovate and not have to worry about a vulnerability that might get exposed or a patch that has to go. It just allows you to focus on your work.

With Cloud, we've seen the maintenance and the general handholding of an on-prem environment removed. We've seen a lot of folks realize benefits that they don't have to do that anymore, those activities, but the biggest benefit is the feature set and the value add that the Atlassian Cloud brings these teams, no longer having to worry about updating to get new features or maintaining patches, allowing them to take advantage of the features as they come out and enable those teams to move quickly.

Michael, something just came to my mind when you talk about compliance and security. You hear the specifications around SOC 2, ISO 27001, these are all security parameters that most organizations relied on server for their security on-prem. Are these also covered in the Cloud as well? That's a great question, Daniel, and they are. We recognize, and Atlassian certainly recognizes, that organizations require those certifications just to do business, just to use the tools, you know, that's a showstopper if some of those compliances are not met. And those are all available publicly to download those reports and to see those compliance reports and to gain access to those. Atlassian has invested a tremendous amount of money in making sure that the platform is secure and putting a lot of trust and emphasis on that security. So it's available. I help guide teams all the time, making sure that they understand what those are and how that platform meets the requirements.

Atlassian Cloud Innovations

Atlassian is big on innovation. I've worked with you for a bit, so I know this next one is where you like to live. What has Atlassian done in the last year, innovation-wise: features, cool features in the Cloud for customers who are looking to move the environment from Server to Cloud? Yeah, that's another really good question, Daniel. There's actually a lot that they've done in just the last year. Going back to that history of where we've been and where we're going, they announced this three years ago. Just in the last year, they have invested so many new features and created so many new opportunities for teams to work differently. New products are being announced and launched, like Atlas, Compass, and Jira Product Discovery. These are products specifically around teams creating different work and how they manage their work. It might not just be a workflow type of an issue, it might be an idea and how do I ingest the idea, prioritize the idea and then start working on it.

They've created and launched new products, but the list of features just in the platform itself is actually quite lengthy, there are custom domains that you can add to your help desk, and there are tons of new filtering features, that really enhance the experience, but all of that is kind of the appetizer, Daniel, in my opinion. The main course of what Atlassian has done to the platform in the last year is that they've invested heavily into the artificial intelligence space. So Atlassian is rolling out what they call Atlassian Intelligence, which is their AI and machine learning platform that's going to be baked and built on top of the entire cloud platform for Atlassian. And it's very, very exciting. In this day of age, if you're not investing in AI as a platform, you might be left behind. But this gives a unique opportunity for AI, Daniel, to give you and your business contextual artificial intelligence, right? So looking at your Confluence spaces, it can help summarize Confluence spaces, it can help craft messaging around your language, your products, and around your content. It has a tremendous platform or application in the Jira Service Management space with AI-powered virtual agent. And I can probably go on and on, Daniel, about just artificial intelligence as you know. I knew it was your space, so I was just waiting to hear what you had. You did give me a little bit of a tease.

But these are all benefits of the Cloud, right? These are all benefits, the AI, the domains, the features. This is what you get when you go to the Cloud. It's not just moving off of Server, or moving off Data Center. We, at E7, have experienced firsthand the use case you just mentioned with Confluence, because when it came out, we started using it right away within our teams. You can see how it summarizes the notes and the knowledge base that's in different Confluence spaces. I really think it's what people should check out and use. Michael, finally on this subject, I alluded to this earlier by saying my background was in infrastructure, And one of the biggest concerns with on-prem is the reliability and performance of hardware.

So, if you have something on the server, you have enough memory, you have enough network throughput, all those mechanical terms that are potential threats to the success of an on-prem environment. Is it different in the cloud? I'm guessing it is. but what can you add to that in terms of improved reliability and performance in the cloud? Yeah, we've had quite a few folks tell us that the general performance of their Atlassian platform, they have found to be quite a bit better than when they hosted it. So all those terms that you just said, Daniel, are true, but in a SaaS model, you simply don't have to worry about it. You simply have a URL or an application and you get to use it. And you just start to think about your work and not necessarily memory updates or all those other infrastructure terms. Someone else, for lack of a better word, someone else at Atlassian gets to worry about all that stuff. And for one monthly price or one annual price, all of that is baked into the subscription model of the app.

Thank you, Michael. And I know we spent some time here, but it's necessary that we flesh out the benefits. And, you know, when you're watching this now, watching it later, take notes. Before everyone's going to say, well, we'll go into the cloud, but what are the blockers? What are the challenges that other people are facing? But before we tackle the blockers,

The Risks of Staying on Server

I'd like us to kind of address, Michael, the folks that would say, but what happens if I don't do anything? What happens if I stay as is, right? What do we communicate to that audience? That's a really good question, Daniel. We do get asked that question often. To use the words in the beginning, it is the final countdown. Sometimes people don't have the time or the priority. For whatever circumstance, they haven't made that decision. I can tell you what will happen if you're running a server platform, and this is going to be anti-climactic. Are you ready, Daniel? Nothing is going to happen. Nothing? The server platform is a perpetual license, and it will continue to work and it will continue to run. But for each passing day, you put yourself at increased risk almost day by day. So will it still work? Yes.

But you just mentioned a few minutes ago, Daniel, about teams that care about ISO compliance or SOX compliance. If you care about any of those items, you're not gonna let a platform that's designed to help your team work will ultimately be at risk. And what you'll have, is a platform that will no longer be supported by Atlassian. As we are recording this, Daniel, Atlassian just recently announced a handful, not one, but a handful of severe vulnerabilities in not just their platform, but the technology that it's built on top of. If this had happened in March and those vulnerabilities are made aware of either at an SSL or Java or whatever headline news that you might read about those vulnerabilities, And you and I, I'm sure have seen it, Daniel. Sometimes it gets on the front-page news, where all the servers have to patch because of some big vulnerability that was just exposed. Once that happens, on the other side of February, you won't have support from Atlassian. If it's a vulnerability that's determined inside of the code base, getting them to answer your questions, getting us to help you, and getting recommendations on how to patch it, all goes into a risk category. You won't be able to scale it, and you won't be able to move the platform into the new generation of how your teams might work. So that's the biggest thing that's gonna happen, Daniel, it's gonna move into a state of what I call risk. Most companies that we've talked to, especially with every other day, you hear about some company being compromised or some data leak or something along those lines, that's not a category that we want to see folks fall in. Outside of that, as part of the timeline, you haven't been able to change your users. So if your teams grow, you can't add users You also can't make changes to the marketplace apps that you've purchased. So it's just gonna stay exactly how it is until you move, either data center or cloud. And so I think on the surface when I say nothing is gonna happen, that's obviously a little misleading, but it is intent to say it will still technically work, it'll still technically power on, it's still gonna work, but you certainly put yourself in a huge category of risk.

What do you think about that, Daniel? Having a background in infrastructure and technology, I'm sure you've had your fair share of conversations as it relates to risk and risk assessments. What are your thoughts on putting your business and the platform that your team uses to work and manage the work, putting your company at that risk? I think, Michael, what I've seen is that, I know you said, if you do nothing, but after the cost of doing nothing is extra expensive. Because like you said, you're opening up yourself for vulnerabilities. When I was in the infrastructure world, now in the SaaS world, I would ask customers, how much dollars do you lose when your tool is not accessible or if your tool is down? If a server is down, if a data center or core location where your hardware is under your desk or it's in a hostile environment, how much money do you lose? They would put a dollar to it. I said, well, imagine if that happened for 10 minutes, an hour, a day? So it is imperative that you do something.

Common Blockers to a Cloud Migration

We would recommend, Michael, that doing something is considering going to the cloud, right? And I know we're going to discuss some of those blockers that customers are going to say, well, this is the reason why I can't go the cloud. You don't understand my situation is unique and I hope we can answer some of those questions as we tackle the blockers. Jen, if you can switch. Yes, the cloud migration blockers. Michael, we would spend a little bit of time. I think we've gone 25 minutes already, but on a summary, we know there's time, there's resources, there's server customization, price, HIPPA, and FedRAMP, but we're just going to take a couple of minutes on each of them and deep dive what the blocker is and what the potential solution can be, and what is E7 even doing to help our customers overcome those blockers. I will throw it to you to say, let's talk about time.

Cloud Migration Blocker - Not Enough Time

We know Cloud migrations can be a stretch sometimes. There can be some complexity depending on the customer environment. Typically, how long does it take for a Cloud migration? What goes into something like that? Yeah, that's a question that's honestly a bit hard to answer because it depends on the size and the complexity. I can tell you if you're trying to do something within a month, that's pretty tough. It's pretty tough to plan it, to test it, to make sure that we have everything figured out. Also to ensure that there's little to no impact to the user base. The fastest migrations that we typically run are about six weeks. They can, to be very transparent, Daniel, they can extend into the months and multiple months engagements. It can be four to six months. Those are pretty large customers. But Atlassian and E7 have both invested a lot of time in energy to try to help migrations move faster. And so what would have been three months of a migration maybe two years ago is pretty close to about six weeks today. So we've cut that down dramatically on our side. Atlassian continues to invest in making sure that some of those migrations happen faster than they did a few years ago.

That's not a tactic to say we need to move faster than it should because of February. That's a way of saying, let's honor how long something like this might take. Let's get started as soon as we can. Yeah. Michael, I know at E7, you were very involved in this. We had curated a couple of migration packages that can help facilitate moving clients to Atlassian Cloud, seamlessly. That is something that E7 has put forth to help our customers. Like you said, what would probably would be a three-month engagement, depending on the uniqueness of the environment, could be something that could be done within six weeks. Exactly right, Daniel. We designed those packages precisely to make it easier to help folks move faster. We know the holidays are around the corner. If you're saying six weeks, I mean, half of December is already gone to holidays, and then you're probably going to January, and then there's 15 days to go in February, so that time is now, no pun intended. That's why it's called the final countdown, Daniel. Yeah, the final countdown. Let's talk about resources.

Cloud Migration Blocker - Resources

As a blocker, again, we can sing all the praise of E7, but let's put some flesh to it. I know we have the right bench to help our customers achieve this, the right expertise, to help our customers go to the Cloud. What resource blockers can customers have, whether on their side or with other partners that we can help them alleviate? Yeah. I think being able to prioritize a project like this, if you haven't already moved or you're not already in the process of moving, can prove to be difficult. We have those packages like you talked about, Daniel, And we've designed those to try to decrease as much lift as we can for our customers. It's difficult for teams to commit to moving a platform when you're choosing between a revenue-producing activity or moving your general platform to the cloud. And teams often struggle with, where do I put my resources? And that's really to your point, Daniel, that's where E7, can come in and shine. We have those resources available, we have people ready to go to take the lead on the project, and we just ask for, some commitment from our clients and customers as part of it to help coordinate it. But we really get to take the lead on those projects. We do the testing, and we do the project planning, and we drive those migrations to success. So folks have come to us and said, we just frankly don't have time to do this. Can you do this? And we act as an extension of their teams as part of that engagement and we drive those through success. But that's a big reason, Daniel, folks have come to us and said, we just don't have time. They come to us and say, how can you help us?


Cloud Migration Blocker - Too Customized

The next one I have for you is server customizations. As we said, Cloud migrations can be complex due to unique customizations, on-prem applications, and data that's only available in versions that are only for on-prem. So with that complexity, how can customers who have custom applications, who have databases tied to on-prem work around that and then go to Cloud? Because they tell you, this app is custom. You can only use it on the server. What are the leeways that our customers can leverage to avoid this blocker? I would love to know what that is.

I think that that was a known blocker, Daniel, three years ago, and I heard that often. And I'm not saying it's not a known blocker today, but today's Atlassian Cloud is quite a bit more mature than a couple of years ago. There are so many customizations that we have found equivalents in a cloud version, or some of our Marketplace friends have apps that can do some of the things that we've seen folks write custom code to do. That all continues down this path of, if there's a supported model to fulfill the business requirement, we often look for that.

Integrating on-prem with Cloud, that's not an uncommon practice if they have a database or if they have an app that runs on-prem. We integrate with Cloud and on-prem all the time. But quite frankly, that was a blocker two years ago. The investment that Atlassian and the marketplace in general have made to make Cloud extendable is very, very high. We have an Insight Package designed to just assess that for companies that need very technical assessments or have very high technical customizations. We can come in without doing a migration, we can just do an assessment and give you that insight to tell you, will this succeed in Cloud? Can we fulfill that business function or that business requirement? It might not look exactly the same, it might not feel exactly the same, but if we can recreate that business value in a supported SaaS model, a lot of folks say, yes, please.


Cloud Migration Blocker - Price

This next one is always the big one, price, right? What is all this going to cost me? What kind of budget am I considering? I know that Atlassian and E7 have put some things in place to help customers. I heard about subsidies and some of the programs that are in place. Can you speak to that of a way of assisting our customers with price on executing them going to the cloud? There are two components to this, Daniel. The first one is when you're comparing price, it's not a fair comparison to say, what is my server licensing costs compared to the cloud? With server licensing costs, we've talked about this in the past at E7, there's total cost of ownership. How much does it really cost for your infrastructure, for your people, for the time that it takes to maintain it, for all of those things. Just make sure that we're comparing apples to apples when they say, the price of X number of users for server is less than the price of Cloud. But all those things that we've talked about prior in this webinar, all of those things account for that price. and all that value is being brought to your customers. Whereas comparing on-prem, it's just a license. You have to run it, you have to maintain it, you have to patch it, you have to manage it, and that all costs money. Just make sure we're comparing apples to apples when you talk about price. Then to your point, oftentimes there are incentives for customers, and those incentives will go away. When the end of server comes and goes, there are incentives to get folks there from a cost-efficiency perspective. There are programs, and I won't speak to them specifically today because whenever you're watching this, they may have expired. But there are programs like subsidy programs in place to help ease some of that difference between on-prem and in Cloud. I urge you, if you're interested, we can help guide you with those discussions. Daniel is probably a bigger expert on those than I am at this point. Yeah. I actually do have a couple of those going on right now. So, like Michael just said, I echo the same. If you're concerned about price, there are some programs in place that you can leverage, depending on when you reach out to us, because there is an expiry date attached to those, and reach out to us. I will share information at the end of this webinar, and we will help you navigate through it. Mike, I think I have one more. So, racing against time here, the final countdown.


Cloud Migration Blocker - Compliance

Compliance. Now, in our experience, we deal with a lot of government, education, and financial services, and one of the major blockers for them is, we want to go to the cloud, but is the cloud FedRAMP compliance? Is it HIPAA compliance? We know Atlassian has been working on this for a while. What is the update with this?

Here is the current update. We talked a little bit about ISO 97001. We talked a little about socs and those are being in place. These two right here, Daniel, were the biggest blockers from a compliance perspective a couple of years ago. And I'm pleased to report one of them is no longer blocked. So the HIPAA compliance is in place for Atlassian. This is tremendous news for anybody in the healthcare or related healthcare or healthcare related industries. It's really, really big news. So that is available. And it used to only be available in Atlassian Enterprise, but it is now available in Atlassian Premium. So if you're looking at a JIRA or a Confluence Cloud and you're looking at the features, Premium is HIPAA. This is a big deal and help navigating BAAs as part of our roles.

On the other flip side here, FedRAMP compliance in Atlassian is a little bit of a different beast. That's my understanding here, Daniel. So the update that I have is that this is in the works and is currently slated for the end of 2024. To have it within one year is pretty exciting. I would say, keep in touch with the roadmap. We can keep you informed. But for those folks who have a hard FedRamp requirement, we recommend Atlassian Data Center.

That's great news, Michael. That's great news, especially for a heap of clients. We do have a few of those, and well, current opportunities going on. So I'm looking forward to provide those updates. Michael, they say time flies when you're having fun. I'm looking at the time here, I think we've gotten almost to the 40-minute mark. I don't want this to end, but we would have to bring it to an end very shortly. Now, I don't remember if I had mentioned earlier on that you should send in your questions. I do see our moderator, Jen, posting that we have a few questions, so we will get to that shortly. But if our venture you just jumped on and just caught us at the tail end of this webinar. What we have covered today is the final countdown, migration to the cloud journey in the Atlassian ecosystem. We've covered the history, how we got here, benefits of migration, the impact of your decision, whether you want to stay or whether you go. Michael famously said, if you don't do anything, maybe nothing happens. I did add to that saying the most expensive thing sometimes to do is to do nothing and open up yourself for vulnerabilities. We talked about cloud migration blockers and our honest recommendations and guidance around that. And then the next steps are on you, right? If you're still on server, if your business teams or your units are on server, your organizations are on server, Please reach out to us and have a conversation. The best thing you can do is start right now. Ask questions. Absolutely, ask questions. Ask questions.


Cloud Migrations Q & A

All right. Jen, can you put up some of the questions on my screen so I can give them to Michael? Michael, give me a second. I'm just going to try and get this from Jen. All right. Actually, I got it. All right.

Michael, I have one here says, What do I need to get ready before I engage a partner like E7 to assist with our migration? What do I need to get ready? Yeah, we do have a list of some technical items to consider, but the conversation, the openness to want to go. Some of the technical things will come very, very quickly. A lot of folks like to get started on the technical piece of it, Daniel, but a conversation. Let's make sure that the business value is there. Let's make sure that we can deliver that value and that the Cloud is right for you. What do you need to do to get ready? Is figure out where this lies within your business initiatives, where this lies within your organization in terms of priority and bring those questions to us. We are here and ready to help.

Thank you, Michael. I have a next one. I'll take this quickly because we're running out of time. Would I be able to use the same tools and templates as I do now in my server environment in the Cloud? Would I be able to use the same tools, the same field? I guess that's what the question is about. In my server environment in the Cloud, is there a difference, Michael? For the most part, yes. Cloud is different, it works a little bit different. It responds a little bit different. Some of the ways teams are using it are a little bit different. That's why I keep coming back to this notion of business value. Will it look exactly the same? No, it won't. Will it create the same, if not more value? I think so. So will you be able to use your fields in your forms? There's no doubt in my mind that that'll transition. There are a couple of minor things, and as part of our package, Daniel, we actually help folks, you know, with the training, what's the difference between on-prem and what's the cloud. We really want to give you that, those expectations that sets you up for success.

Michael, I appreciate that you added that because I was just going to say as part of our migration packages, we do help do knowledge transfers for customers. We're saying, hey, how do I navigate this new look? So not to worry, E7 can help with that.

Last one, Michael, would I be able to, I think you already addressed this one, actually. I'll read the question and then I can reference your answer. Would I be able to integrate my cloud instance to some of my on-prem custom applications? I think you touched on that when we're addressing the blockers. Yes, if Michael would allow me to take that answer, you can integrate your SaaS models with on-prem applications of custom software. Right, Michael? Yeah, that is a common question. And yeah, you nailed it. Being able to integrate on-prem platforms with the ElastiaAtlassian Cloud is not a showstopper. 

Good questions. I think we make a good duo. But we still owe the audience the song from the band Europe, The Final Countdown. I did my part. I did the humming. I did the drumming. But I think you should do something because I held up my part of the bargain. I'll just reference for you, Daniel, that I grew up a Detroit Pistons fan in the Michigan area. And every time I think of that song, I do think of the Detroit Pistons and the way they enter the courts. I won't sing it because I'll probably embarrass myself and I won't do the song the justice it deserves, but I will tell you I'll play it on my streaming service here in a minute and it will be stuck in my head the rest of my day! Thanks everyone for joining us today. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions, if you'd like to learn more about our Cloud Migration packages, our philosophy and how we help customers be and do more. It was a great time sharing this information with you, and we look forward to connecting with you on the other side. Michael, thank you so much for making time. I appreciate it. I think I should see you in a couple of days, right? Absolutely. Hey, Daniel, I actually had a lot of fun. I appreciate you taking part of this and helping drive some of this conversation. I enjoyed it. So thank you. Thank you, Michael. Thank you, everyone. Have a great day. Take care.