Advisory Services

E7’s Advisory Services provide the experts to bridge the gap between Atlassian products and your business objectives. We help you get the most out of your Atlassian investment and avoid pitfalls associated with digital transformation.

There are three Advisory Service engagement models available:

  • Strategic Solution Manager (SSM) Dedicated resources to co-develop strategic plans, provide product guidance, and orchestrate the execution of Atlassian projects. From Cloud Migrations to ITSM implementations, our team will guide the way.

  • Technical Solution Consultant (TSC) Dedicated consultants to help you define and realize your technical requirements. Our experts have a deep understanding of Atlassian products and Marketplace Apps to help your teams solve the most challenging obstacles.

  • Advisory Service Workshops (ASW) Through a series of workshops, industry experts help your organization align on objectives, create the associated strategy, define requirements with an architectural strategy, and help guide your implementation resources.

Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner
Atlassian Partner of the Year 2020: Cloud Services
Atlassian Partner of the Year 2019: Cloud
Atlassian Partner of the Year 2018: Rising Star
Cloud Migration Specialized Partner
ITSM Specialized Partner Badge
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The Strategic Solution Manager (SSM) service offered by E7 Solutions can help solve several pain points for companies looking to realize the greatest value from their Atlassian investments. Provided as a subscription-based service, here are some of the challenges our SSM Advisory Services can address:

  • Lack of strategic planning: The SSM service provides dedicated resources to co-develop strategic plans, ensuring that your company’s Atlassian projects are aligned with your overall business goals and objectives.

  • Uncertainty about product selection: With the SSM service, you’ll have access to product guidance from experts who can help you choose the right Atlassian tools and products for your specific needs.

  • Difficulty managing project execution: The SSM service includes resources to orchestrate the execution of your Atlassian projects, helping to ensure that they are completed on time and within budget.

  • Challenges with cloud migrations: If your company is planning to migrate to the cloud, the SSM service can provide guidance and support to help ensure a smooth transition.

  • Complexity of Service Management implementations: Transforming your Service Management can be a complex process, but with the SSM service, you’ll have access to resources who can guide you through the process and help ensure a successful implementation.

The Technical Solution Consultant (TSC) service offered by E7 Solutions can help companies overcome technical challenges and realize their requirements when implementing Atlassian projects. Provided as a subscription-based service, here are some of the benefits our TSC Advisory Services provide:

  • Expertise in Atlassian products: The TSC service provides dedicated consultants with a deep understanding of Atlassian products, allowing them to help your teams solve even the most challenging technical obstacles.

  • Knowledge of Marketplace Apps: In addition to their expertise in Atlassian products, TSC consultants also have a thorough understanding of Marketplace Apps, which can help your teams extend the functionality of their Atlassian tools.

  • Assistance with technical requirements: The TSC service includes resources to help you define and realize your technical requirements, ensuring that your Atlassian projects meet your specific needs.

  • Guidance and support: With the TSC service, you’ll have access to dedicated consultants who can provide technical guidance and support throughout the implementation process, helping to ensure a successful outcome.

Our workshops have been designed to collaborate with, and educate your teams on how to fully realize Atlassian’s potential. Industry experts work with you to fully define your business objectives, create complimentary strategies, and define success criteria to ensure success. Outputs from these workshops include:

  • Demos

  • Product selection / Atlassian Ecosystem Roadmap

  • Resourcing

  • Investment levels

  • Mapping Organization Goals and Product

  • Demos & Design Options

  • Implementation design guide

  • Architecture blueprint

  • Playbooks

Find out more

E7 has proven to be a great partner choice in our initiative to move Jira and Confluence from server to cloud. We engaged E7 from the beginning, when we were exploring the move, and have continued to work hand-in-hand as we go-live.

Brian Barr
Director of Business Systems, STARZ