Case Study

Enhancing Service Management The Benefits of Consolidating Multiple Jira Service Management Instances



Consolidate multiple instances of Jira Service Management into a single, robust request portal while streamlining varying processes and workflows across multiple teams.


Finding the right Atlassian partner that not only has the skills to build out the tools, but has the experience and ITSM expertise to set them up for scalability and seamless collaboration across teams.


By consolidating instances, the organization realized cost savings in terms of licensing fees, maintenance, and operational overhead associated with managing multiple systems, providing an estimated 704% ROI over a 3-year period.



Atlassian Products

Jira Service Management

Atlassian Access



Apps Used

Issue Checklist Pro

Table of Contents


One of the world’s largest and fastest-growing Social Good Technology companies faced challenges in managing IT service operations efficiently due to the recent acquisitions of multiple organizations. These acquisitions came with multiple Jira Service Management instances as well as varying processes, workflows and methods of supporting customers. Recognizing the need for a unified service management approach, the decision was made to consolidate these instances into a single, centralized Atlassian Jira Service Management platform.

It’s often a challenge when trying to change behavior and habits that have long been in place; even more so when trying to accomplish that with multiple teams. Having various groups within an organization or department performing the same responsibilities, but doing them differently and in different tools, can present many challenges.

Lack of collaboration, efficiency, seamless communication and training are all areas that struggle in this type of environment. Having siloed tools makes it difficult to collaborate effectively and share information seamlessly. This leads to duplication of efforts and gaps in communication, and misunderstandings between teams, all resulting in delays in problem resolution and customer satisfaction.

In addition, leadership will struggle to find an overall clear view of data across the teams and tools, making it harder to analyze performance and identify areas for improvement. Training for new employees and team members will also suffer as additional training and onboarding efforts are required, which can be time-consuming and costly.

Proven Expertise on Display

The organization knew they couldn’t tackle this initiative alone, and when a previous attempt with another Atlassian partner wasn’t meeting their expectations, they found E7 Solutions. As an Atlassian Platinum Solution and ITSM Specialized partner, E7 was able to hop in, come quickly up to speed, and start producing results.

E7 conducted a comprehensive assessment to identify overlapping processes and develop a strategic plan for consolidation for three Jira Service Management instances and one Jira Software instance. Next, E7 worked closely with each team to standardize their service management processes, workflows, and SLAs, ensuring consistency across the department.

The implementation and consolidation efforts were topped off with a revamped, robust customer portal equipped with an integration to the organization’s Enterprise Confluence instance, providing customers with a smart and intuitive knowledge base.

E7 also created a wealth of new reports, dashboards, and metrics that previously had to sourced and compiled manually across four separate applications.

This project brought together 5 segmented teams into one JSM instance to establish a streamlined, consistent support process for the organization utilizing best practices. The client gained many efficiencies by having all team members on the same platform, using the same workflows and standards, including faster response times, increased visibility, and standardized reporting metrics. This project was successful due to the great partnership and collaboration between E7 and our client.

Misty Ontiveros
Client Success Manager, E7

Seamless Collaboration and Streamlined Workflows Through Consolidation

The consolidation of multiple Jira Service Management instances has resulted in numerous benefits for the organization.

  • A centralized platform has streamlined service operations, reducing duplication of efforts and ensuring a consistent and standardized approach to incident and request management.

  • Teams from different departments can now collaborate more effectively, as they are working within a single, unified service management environment.

  • Administrative overhead associated with managing multiple instances was significantly reduced, optimizing resource allocation and improving overall operational efficiency.

  • The consolidated instance provided improved reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing management to gain insights into service performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

  • By consolidating instances, the organization realized cost savings in terms of licensing fees, maintenance, and operational overhead associated with managing multiple systems, providing an estimated 704% ROI over a 3-year period.

The consolidation of multiple Jira Service Management instances proved to be a strategic move that enhanced service delivery, improved collaboration, and optimized resource utilization. This highlights the advantages of centralizing service management tools, offering a valuable blueprint for organizations seeking to streamline their service operations and enhance overall efficiency.

Transform your IT Delivery, Operations, and Support with proven practices and collaborative tools. Let E7 guide you through your service management journey.

Get the most out of your Atlassian tools E7 works side-by-side with you to understand your challenges and then quickly develop a plan to improve team and tool effectiveness. Make the most of your investment by speaking with us today about our packages.

E7 Solutions is an Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner
Atlassian Partner of the Year 2020: Cloud Services
Atlassian Partner of the Year 2019: Cloud