E7 Supports the Living Liver Foundation


A great friend of ours, Dave Galbenski, has recently launched the Living Liver Foundation. The mission of the foundation is to help save the lives of people facing liver failure by increasing the awareness of living donor transplants. To help bring awareness, the Living Liver Foundation is conducting a fundraising initiative that runs through October 15 to raise $103,506. (That number represents $1 for each person on the transplant wait list.) To support Dave and the foundation, E7 has created our very own “Lift All Higher” team. We’d love your support. Here is how you can participate:

  1. Join E7's Lift All Higher team! (Not just for E7 employees. Can be you, your family members, and friends.) Once you join, simply log miles manually or connect your Strava account to make things easy.

  2. Participate/join us in the Ambassador Bridge Sunrise 5K event in Detroit on October 15. (Contact Edmond directly for details.)

  3. Donate directly: A Race Within a Race

E7 will be making a donation on October 15 based on the miles our team stacks up! Looking forward to crossing the finish line together.